Mental Health Stats and Resources

Here are some resources besides my podcast that may help you feel seen, heard, or validate your feelings. You deserve to be here. Reach out to someone. YOU MATTER.

Basic Stats

21% of adults are experiencing mental illness, equal to 50 million.

55% of adults with mental illness receive no treatment, equal to over 28 million.

11% of adults with mental illness don’t have insurance, meaning they cannot receive help for a reasonable price.

320 people to every 1 mental health professional.

 LGBTQ+ Stats

50% of lesbian, gay, or bisexual(LGB) identifying people experienced a mental health condition as of 2020.

Transgender adults are 4x more likely to have mental health conditions than cisgender adults.

Only 37% of LGBTQ+ youth identified home as an identity-affirming space.



 Popular Podcast Episodes

104. Hurdling Through Habit Stacking

96. Hurdling Through Stress (Relief)

88. Hurdling Through Social Anxiety

77. Hurdling Through Burn Out

66. Hurdling Through Self Care That DOES NOT Work

48. Hurdling Through Healthy Couple Habits

26. Hurdling Through Sleep

17. Hurdling Through Advice


Call 988 or go to their website

American Psychology Association - Stress in America.

Illinois Specific Resource

American Counseling Resources

More Mental Health Statistics and Facts

More Mental Health Statistics from Mental Health Awareness National Organization